Public active tenders

Public active tenders

New 1. Rehabilitation and development organization invites all eligible bidders for the procurement of dignity kits and different materials

Code: AFRO-300402
Language: English
Region: Addis Ababa City Administration
Published: 13-Feb-2025 (18 hours ago)
Deadline: 17-Feb-2025 (3 days left)
40.0% lapsed

New 2. The giz country office invites all eligible bidder sfor security and cleaning service

Code: AFRO-300401
Language: English
Region: Addis Ababa City Administration
Published: 13-Feb-2025 (18 hours ago)
Deadline: 23-Feb-2025 (9 days left)
10.0% lapsed

New 3. Oromia water and energy bureau extension for the construction of faecal sludge treament plant

Code: AFRO-300400
Language: English
Region: Oromia Region
Published: 13-Feb-2025 (19 hours ago)
Deadline: 06-Mar-2025 (20 days left)
4.8% lapsed

New 4. Berhanena selam printing enterprise invites all eligible bidders for the supply of the following fork lift

Code: AFRO-300399
Language: English
Region: Addis Ababa City Administration
Published: 13-Feb-2025 (19 hours ago)
Deadline: 26-Mar-2025 (40 days left)
2.4% lapsed

New 5. Ethiopian air lines bid closing time extension for the design and build of passenger terminals and support facility buildings

Code: AFRO-300398
Language: English
Region: Addis Ababa City Administration
Published: 13-Feb-2025 (19 hours ago)
Deadline: 23-Feb-2025 (9 days left)
10.0% lapsed

New 6. Addis ababa city administration public procurement and property disposal service invites eligible bidder for the different types of machines

Code: AFRO-300397
Language: English
Region: Addis Ababa City Administration
Published: 13-Feb-2025 (19 hours ago)
Deadline: 18-Mar-2025 (32 days left)
3.0% lapsed

New 7. Ethiopian pharmaceuticals supply service invites eligible bidder for the procurement of program pharmaceuticals

Code: AFRO-300396
Language: English
Region: Addis Ababa City Administration
Published: 13-Feb-2025 (19 hours ago)
Deadline: 18-Feb-2025 (4 days left)
20.0% lapsed

New 8. Ethiopia pharmaceuticals supply service invites eligible bidder for the procurement of pharmaceuticals

Code: AFRO-300395
Language: English
Region: Addis Ababa City Administration
Published: 13-Feb-2025 (19 hours ago)
Deadline: 18-Mar-2025 (32 days left)
3.0% lapsed

New 9. በፌ/ፍ/ቤቶች ፍርድ አፈፃፀም ዳይሬክቶሬት የፍ/ባለመብት እና የፍ/ባለዕዳ መካከል ስላለው የፍርድ አፈጻጸም ጉዳይ ባጃጅ በሐራጅ ይሸጣል፡፡

Code: AFRO-300394
Language: Amharic
Region: Addis Ababa City Administration
Published: 13-Feb-2025 (19 hours ago)
Deadline: 18-Mar-2025 (32 days left)
3.0% lapsed

New 10. የጂንካ ማረሚያ ተቋም በቆሎ፣ ቀይ ሽንኩርት፣ ጨው በግልጽ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ ለመግዛት ይፈልጋል፡፡

Code: AFRO-300393
Language: Amharic
Region: Southern Nations, Nationalities, And Peoples' Region
Published: 13-Feb-2025 (19 hours ago)
Deadline: 26-Feb-2025 (12 days left)
7.7% lapsed

New 11. ምግባረ ሰናይ ሕፃናትና ቤተሰብ መርጃ ድርጅት ከjan 1, 2024-dec 30, 2024 የሠራባቸውን የሂሳብ ሰነዶች ኦዲት ማስደረግ ይፈልጋል፡፡

Code: AFRO-300392
Language: Amharic
Region: Addis Ababa City Administration
Published: 13-Feb-2025 (19 hours ago)
Deadline: 22-Feb-2025 (8 days left)
11.1% lapsed