


1. Bulchiinsa mootummaa naannoo oromiyaatti waajjirri bishaanii fi inarji godina harargee lixaa sibiilotaa caccaboo fi kukkufoo(scrap), elektirooniksii adda-addaa kan tajaajila ala ta'e fi gommaa konkolaataa addaa addaa kan tajaajilaan ala ta'e caalbaasii ifaatiin dorgomsiisee gurguruu barbaada.

Status: Paid Code: AFRO-302922Typee: Ncb - national competitive bidding Region: Oromia region Published: 2025-03-22 (2 days ago) Deadline: 2025-04-04 (12 days left) 7.7% lapsed

2. Ethiopian agricultural transformation agency invites eligible bidder for the procurement papaya seedlings

Status: Paid Code: AFRO-302921Typee: Ncb - national competitive bidding Region: Addis ababa city administration Published: 2025-03-22 (2 days ago) Deadline: 2025-04-07 (15 days left) 6.3% lapsed

3. South sudan - ethiopia - djibouti transport corridor project invites eligible bidder for the design & build of melkajilo (60km) - awash expressway

Status: Paid Code: AFRO-302920Typee: Eoi - expression of interest Region: Addis ababa city administration Published: 2025-03-22 (2 days ago) Deadline: 2025-04-07 (15 days left) 6.3% lapsed

4. Fitche town water supply and sewerage service enterprise invites eligible bidder for the construction of feacal sludge treatment plant

Status: Paid Code: AFRO-302919Typee: Ncb - national competitive bidding Region: Addis ababa city administration Published: 2025-03-22 (2 days ago) Deadline: 2025-04-28 (36 days left) 2.7% lapsed

5. National id program invites eligible bidder for the selection of a service provider that serve as multilingual call center

Status: Paid Code: AFRO-302918Typee: Rfp - request for proposal Region: Addis ababa city administration Published: 2025-03-22 (2 days ago) Deadline: 2025-05-05 (43 days left) 2.3% lapsed

6. Ministry of urban and infrastructure urban food security and safety net office invites eligible bidder for the consultancy services

Status: Paid Code: AFRO-302917Typee: Eoi - expression of interest Region: Addis ababa city administration Published: 2025-03-22 (2 days ago) Deadline: 2025-04-03 (11 days left) 8.3% lapsed

7. Adama water supply and sewerage service enterprise invites eligible bidders for the supply of poly electrolyte chemical and to sale used water meter

Status: Paid Code: AFRO-302916Typee: Ncb - national competitive bidding Region: Oromia region Published: 2025-03-22 (2 days ago) Deadline: 2025-04-04 (12 days left) 7.7% lapsed

8. Tana drilling and industries plc invites eligible bidder for the high-density polyethylene hdpe, pe 100, black colored for the extrusion of pressure pipes for water gas and industrial applications and polyvinyl chloride (pvc) for the extrusion of pipes

Status: Paid Code: AFRO-302915Typee: Icb - international competitive bidding Region: Addis ababa city administration Published: 2025-03-22 (2 days ago) Deadline: 2025-04-04 (12 days left) 7.7% lapsed

9. Internet society ethiopia chapter (isoc ethiopia) invites eligible bidder for the external audit services

Status: Paid Code: AFRO-302914Typee: Rfp - request for proposal Region: Addis ababa city administration Published: 2025-03-22 (2 days ago) Deadline: 2025-03-30 (7 days left) 12.5% lapsed

10. በደቡብ ኢትዮጵያ ክልል በጋርዱላዞንየጊዶሌ ከተማ አስተዳደርፋ/ጽ/ቤት ድንጋይ ንጣፍ ግንባታ፣ ቀበራ ግንባታ፣ ሪተይንግ ዎል ግንባታ/፣ ጥገናና ቱቦ ቀበራ ግንባታ/ በብሔራዊ ግልጽ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ መግዛት/ማስገንባት ይፈልጋል፡፡

Status: Paid Code: AFRO-302913Typee: Ncb - national competitive bidding Region: Southern nations, nationalities, and peoples' region Published: 2025-03-22 (2 days ago) Deadline: 2025-04-04 (12 days left) 7.7% lapsed

11. በአማራ ብሔራዊ ክልላዊ መንግስት የሰ/ሸዋ ዞን የቀወት ወረዳ ገንዘብ ጽ/ቤት የህክምና እቃ ግዥ በግልጽ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ መግዛት ይፈልጋል፡፡

Status: Paid Code: AFRO-302912Typee: Ncb - national competitive bidding Region: Amhara region Published: 2025-03-22 (2 days ago) Deadline: 2025-04-05 (13 days left) 7.1% lapsed

12. አቢሲኒያ ትራንስፖርት አ.ማ ኦዲተሮች የሒሳብ ምርመራ በጨረታ አወዳድሮ ለማሰራት ይፈልጋል፡፡

Status: Paid Code: AFRO-302911Typee: Ncb - national competitive bidding Region: Addis ababa city administration Published: 2025-03-22 (2 days ago) Deadline: 2025-04-01 (9 days left) 10.0% lapsed
Showing 1 to 12 of 200