Ethiopian herald Wednesday march 26, 2025
for Bid
Competitive Biddings (NCB)
Country: The
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Institute-Tigray Agricultural Transformation
Center/TATC/, Mekelle.
IFB Title:
Procurement of Different Agricultural Equipment, Inputs, and Livestock
IFB Number:
1. The Ethiopian
Agricultural Transformation Institute (ATI) is an initiative of the Government
of Ethiopia (GOE) established by federal regulation. The formation of the ATI
is a result of two years of extensive diagnostic study across eight sub-sectors
of Ethiopia's agricultural system in a highly consultative, multi-stakeholder
process led by the Ministry of Agriculture.
2. The Agricultural
Transformation Institute of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has
funds from Master Card Foundation and it intends to apply part of the proceeds
of this fund to payments under the Contract for the Supply and Delivery of goods.
3. The Ethiopian
Agricultural Transformation Institute-Tigray Agricultural Transformation Center(TATC)
now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the Supply and
delivery of:
Lot-1: Milling and
Lot-2: Post Harvest
Lot-3: Red Beans
and unprocced Paper/Berber/
Lot-4: Small
Ruminants (sheep)
Lot-5: Beekeeping
Equipment and Accessories
Lot-6: Farm Tools
Lot-7: 45-day old
Pullets and Feed
4. The Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopian Government's Public Procurement Proclamation's
open tendering guidelines would be followed when conducting the bidding process.
All eligible bidders from source countries may participate in the bidding
5. To purchase a
complete set of bidding documents in English, interested parties must submit a
written application to the address below, along with a non-refundable fee of ETB
200 (ETB Two Hundred). The payment shall be made to the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
using Account No. 1000596345917, in the name of our organization. To collect the
bidding document, bidders shall also submit the bank deposit slip.
6. No one is
allowed to duplicate or transfer the Bidding document that she/he acquired to
participate under this invitation. Legally authorized agents shall collect the
bidding documents for each principal they are representing
7. The bidder's
proposals must include a copy of the required documents, which include the
renewed trade license, the VAT registration certificate, the tax clearing certificate,
the registration certificate from the Public Procurement Authority, and the TIN
8. Bids must be
delivered to the address below at or before 10:00 A.M. on April 9, 2025, and
will be opened in the presence of the bidders' representatives, who choose to
attend in person at the address below at 10:30 A.M. on April 9, 2025.
. Bids must be
accompanied by a bid security of:
1.For Lot-1 of Birr
2.For Lot-2 of Birr
3.For Lot-3 of Birr
4.For Lot-4 of Birr
5.For Lot-5 of Birr
6.For Lot-6 of Birr
150,000.00 and
7.For Lot-7 of Birr
20,000.00 in the form of a CPO or unconditional bank guarantee.
9. After receipt of
bids, ATI reserves the right to request additional information or clarifications
from the bidder to ascertain the responsiveness of bids received.
10. Bidding by
electronic means will not be accepted. Bids received after the deadline will
not be accepted. The bids - will be opened in person at the address below at
the time specified above, in the presence of the representatives of the bidders
who wish to attend.
11. Interested
eligible bidders may obtain further information from the Institute during office
hours addressed below.
12. The purchaser
reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
13. The Address
referred to above is:
Agricultural Transformation Institute-Tigray Agricultural
Center (TATC)
Kiros H/silassie Building, 2nd floor, K/Ketema Kedamay Weyane, K-11,
of Buna Bank-Enkodo Branch.
Bid documents can be obtained from both our Head Office in Addis Ababa and
Regional Center in Mekelle, however, bid submission and opening will be made
at Tigray Agricultural Transformation Center (TATC) in Mekelle.
+251-948059471, +251-930-000346
Agricultural Transformation Institute