


New 1. Dashen bank would like to invite eligible and interested bidders for the procurement supply, installation, integration, training, testing, and commissioning of burglary alarm system with central management.

  Bidding document Status: Paid Code: AFRO-303185Typee: Ncb - national competitive bidding Region: Addis ababa city administration Published: 2025-03-24 (2 hours ago) Deadline: 2025-04-06 (10 days left) 23.1% lapsed

New 2. Ethiopian construction works corporation geosynthetics industrial works plc invites eligible bidder for the geomembrane raw material 200mt, pvc resin requirements, hdpe (pe100) black raw material

Status: Paid Code: AFRO-303184Typee: Ncb - national competitive bidding Region: Addis ababa city administration Published: 2025-03-26 (9 hours ago) Deadline: 2025-04-08 (12 days left) 7.7% lapsed

New 3. Bishoftu town water supply and sewerage enterprise invites eligible bidder for the supply of different size of electrical power cables and submersible motor rewinding copper wire

Status: Paid Code: AFRO-303183Typee: Ncb - national competitive bidding Region: Oromia region Published: 2025-03-26 (9 hours ago) Deadline: 2025-04-12 (16 days left) 5.9% lapsed

New 4. Oromia agricultural cooperative federation ltd invites eligible bidder for the construction of phase i (dominantly structural part) of 3b+g+17 mixed use building

Status: Paid Code: AFRO-303182Typee: Ncb - national competitive bidding Region: Addis ababa city administration Published: 2025-03-26 (9 hours ago) Deadline: 2025-05-08 (42 days left) 2.3% lapsed

New 5. Ethiopian coffee and tea authority invites for the coffee credit line boosting production and quality of ethiopian coffee

Status: Paid Code: AFRO-303181Typee: Ncb - national competitive bidding Region: Addis ababa city administration Published: 2025-03-26 (9 hours ago) Deadline: 2025-05-23 (57 days left) 1.7% lapsed

New 6. Ethiopian red cross society invites eligible bidder for the construction of latrine work

Status: Paid Code: AFRO-303180Typee: Ncb - national competitive bidding Region: Addis ababa city administration Published: 2025-03-26 (9 hours ago) Deadline: 2025-04-08 (12 days left) 7.7% lapsed

New 7. Harari water supply and sewerage authority invites eligible bidder for the procurement of electromechanical equipment (submersible pump) for the improvement of the existing water supply system

Status: Paid Code: AFRO-303179Typee: Ncb - national competitive bidding Region: Harari region Published: 2025-03-26 (9 hours ago) Deadline: 2025-04-23 (27 days left) 3.6% lapsed

New 8. Ethiopian agricultural transformation institute invites eligible bidder for the procurement of different agricultural equipment, inputs, and livestock

Status: Paid Code: AFRO-303178Typee: Ncb - national competitive bidding Region: Addis ababa city administration Published: 2025-03-26 (9 hours ago) Deadline: 2025-04-08 (12 days left) 7.7% lapsed

New 9. Self help africa invites eligible bidder for the rental field vehicles mark ii/long base and toyota pick-up 1hz double cabin vehicles

Status: Paid Code: AFRO-303177Typee: Ncb - national competitive bidding Region: Addis ababa city administration Published: 2025-03-26 (10 hours ago) Deadline: 2025-04-13 (17 days left) 5.6% lapsed

New 10. የመከላከያ ኮንስትራክሽን ኢንተርፕራይዝ የfire extingusher weight 5kg and fire hydrant cabinat በግልፅ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ መግዛት ይፈልጋል ፡፡

Status: Paid Code: AFRO-303176Typee: Ncb - national competitive bidding Region: Addis ababa city administration Published: 2025-03-26 (10 hours ago) Deadline: 2025-04-08 (12 days left) 7.7% lapsed

New 11. ዋንዛ ፈርኒሺንግ ኢንዱስትሪ ኃላ/የተ/የግ/ማህበር የጭነት መኪና አገልግሎት በግልፅ ጨረታ ግዥ ዘዴ አወዳድሮ መግዛት ይፈልጋል፡፡

Status: Paid Code: AFRO-303175Typee: Ncb - national competitive bidding Region: Addis ababa city administration Published: 2025-03-26 (10 hours ago) Deadline: 2025-04-11 (15 days left) 6.3% lapsed

New 12. በኢትዮጵያ ጉምሩክ ኮሚሽን የሞያሌ ቅርንጫፍ ጽ/ቤት የሞተርሳይክል እና የተሽከሪካሪ መለዋወጫዎች፣ አልባሳት ዕቃዎች፣ ኤሌክትሮኒክስ ዕቃዎች፣ የሞባይል ቀፎዎች፣ ኮስሞቲክስ እና የንጽና መጠበቂያ ዕቃዎች፣ የቤት ውስጥ መገልገያ እና ማስዋቢያ ዕቃዎች፣ ሞተር ሳይክሎች እንዲሁም ሌሎች ዕቃዎች በግልጽ እና በሃራጅ ጨረታ ተጫራቾችን አወዳድሮ ለመሸጥ ይፈልጋል፡፡

Status: Paid Code: AFRO-303174Typee: Ncb - national competitive bidding Region: Oromia region Published: 2025-03-26 (10 hours ago) Deadline: 2025-03-31 (4 days left) 20.0% lapsed
Showing 1 to 12 of 200